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You can use the wishlist facility to either store things you would like to by in the future. Or to make a list to give to your friends and family as a 'gift list' so they know exactly what to get you for your birthday/Christmas etc.

You do not have to be registered or logged into the site to add things to your wishlist. Anything you add will be saved for up to a year. However, if you want to save your wishlist for longer, have multiple wishlists, or share a list with your family and friends you must be registered and logged in to do this.

To view your wishlist at ay time either click on the word 'Wishlist' (or just the heart icon on mobile) at the top right corner of the screen to see your wishlist page.

Adding products to the wishlist

To add items to your wishlist simply click the 'Add to Wishlist' icon for the item you want to add. For some products, such as individual paint colours, it may just be displayed as a heart icon. Once added to your wishlist, the heart will turn grey.

If you have multiple wishlists set up, you will be asked which wishlist you want to add the product to.

Managing your wishlist

Once you have added some products to your wishlist, you can manage them by clicking on 'Wishlist' icon at the top right corner of the page.

On the wishlist page you will be able to see all the items you have added to your wishlist.

If you are logged in you can create multiple wishlists and move things from one list to another. For example, you may have a birthday wishlist which you want to share with your friends and family, but may also have a wishlist of materials you order frequently so you can easily find these things when you come to place an order.

From your wishlist you can choose to either add items to your shopping cart, move them to a different list, or remove them from your wishlist.

Sharing Your Wishlist

Being able to share your wishlist with your friends and family is an excellent way to give them ideas of what to get your birthday, Christmas, or any other gift giving occasion! You must have an account with us and be logged in to share your wishlist. 

Once you have added everything you want to your wishlist, click on 'Wishlist' at the top right corner of the page. 

Select the wishlist you want to share and click ‘Share this wishlist’. It will then mark the wishlist as public and create a link you can share with people.

When something is purchased from your wishlist, the item will remain on the wishlist, but it will show the last purchase date below the item:

This means if you are just using the wishlist to store your regularly used items, you can easily add the item again, and also keep a track of the last time you purchased it. If it is an item you will not want to buy again, you can just remove it from the wishlist.