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Graphitint is a unique range of tinted Graphite that combines the drama and creativity of pencil drawings with a hint of soft, subtle colour. This range is excellent if you want to introduce a little colour to your graphite drawings. If used dry, Graphitint provides a slight hint of colour. When water is applied the pale tones are transformed into rich, vibrant colours. Graphitint has the same properties as our 4B Watersoluble Sketching pencil so it will appeal to artists looking to add a colourful dimension to their graphite drawings but retain all the familiar qualities of their favourite graphite pencil.

Available in sets of 12 and 24

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Ten Top Tips - By Jenny Hill

  1. Make a colour chart showing colours dry and wet. Leave space for favourite colour mixes.

  2. A waterbrush is handy for wetting small areas, especially when out and about.

  3. Draw small studies to try out different strokes and colour combinations.

  4. Spray dry Graphitint with a Derwent Spritzer and watch the colours merge.

  5. Wet your paper first and then draw onto this with Graphitint, this will create stronger tones.

  6. Experiment with rough and smooth watercolour paper for different effects.

  7. Try the ‘paper palette’ method: scribble squares of colour thickly onto scrap paper, lift the colour off the paper with a wet brush and then apply to your drawing.

  8. Let your wash dry and then add further washes for deeper tones.

  9. Add white to your drawing to lighten tones and add highlights.

  10. For texture on rocks, foliage or fur, use a craft knife to scrape colour from the tip of the pencil onto a wet wash.


1. Use a wetted paintbrush to transform subtle graphite tones into vibrant colour.

2. Simply use dry on dry to create graphite drawings with a hint of colour.

3. Experiment with different types of paper to produce various shades of colour.


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