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Brusho Techniques

How to use Brusho

Brusho is a very versatile medium that can be used in a vast number of different ways. The beauty of Brusho is that there is very little you have to do to create stunning visual effects; you simply let the paint do the work! Follow the instructions below to discover the myriad of ways Brusho can be used to create stunning artwork.

Easier Techniques

Liquid Brusho

Liquid Brusho can be used in a variety of different strengths to achieve different washes. Standard-strength Brusho can be used as a straight-forward painting medium to add washes of colour over a design.

More diluted Brusho is excellent for producing pale washes of colour; great for painting subtle variations in the sky.

For extremely intense, vibrant colours only add a very small amount of water to the Brusho. This will create stunning, bright colours!

Dry Brusho

The top of the Brusho lid can be pierced so that the drum can act as a shaker; this allows you to gently sprinkle the dry powder onto a wet painting surface.

Use a large mop brush to wet the paper thoroughly. A small amount of washing-up liquid can be added to the water to assist the diffusion. Next, make sure to pierce the top of the Brusho drum and carefully shake some of the dry powder onto the painting surface. This can be done with single colours, or you can even try mixing different shades together. A little of the powder goes a long way, so you won't need to use much! A close-grained effect can be achieved by only dampening the paper with a wet cloth, rather than applying a lot of water with a brush. If you choose this method, make sure to move the cloth in a smooth, circular motion to avoid paint following the lines of the strokes.

Your work can be tipped at different angles to move around the washes of colour to create some great effects. Alternatively, you can dry your work flat.


Brusho can be mixed into infinite shades by varying the amount of water that is used to dilute the powder. The colours are also fully intermixable, making them very easy to experiment with. The best way to apply Brusho to your painting surface is to use a sponge or a soft squirrel or sable brush.

Even if you have used Brusho for years, you'll find that the more you experiment the more you discover new and exciting methods of painting! Brusho is an excellent all-purpose medium; the brilliant and even painting of Brusho make it ideal for traditional watercolour techniques.

Ink & Wash

Brusho is excellent for applying washes of paint to ink drawings to bring a beautiful element of colour. First of all you must make sure that your drawing has been done in a waterproof ink. Brusho can be used in a diluted mixture or sprinkled directly onto a wet surface to create interesting effects.


Brusho can be used to work with stencils. It can be applied either with a stencil brush or with a spray diffuser.


Brusho is excellent for making posters. It is a great medium for general colouring, but also works particularly well for lettering when using pens or lettering brushes. Wax can be applied the poster and painted with successive layers of Brusho to create an unusual effect.

Maps & Diagrams

Given its transparent qualities, Brusho is ideal for producing technical illustrations, as it covers evenly without obliterating or obscuring lines or letters.


Brusho and Bleach


Some amazing results can be achieved when using Brusho with bleach. It is an excellent way of reproducing the intense brightness of stars, suns, fire, nebulae, water and wave highlights in your paintings. As this technique involves the use of bleach, it is not recommended for young children.

  1. Apply the bleach using a sponge for large areas of pictures or scenes; or with fine brushes or mapping pens for accurate or detailed work. Bleach can also be added to a spray bottle to create a fine mist over your painting.
  2. For areas which need to be pure white, apply the bleach to your picture while it is still wet.
  3. For areas which need to be slightly yellow/orange, apply the bleach after the painting has dried.

If you do choose to use this technique, make sure to use a set of dedicated materials that you do not mind being used with bleach, and be sure not to mix them with your usual painting tools!

Wax Resist

When wax is applied to paper or fabric it forms an area resistant to water-based pigments. Brusho does not adhere to this wax-surface so is excellent for use with this technique. For best results it is recommended that you use white paper. Brusho can be used wet or dry with this technique.

Either wax crayons or candles can be used for this technique; coloured wax crayons can also be used to add an exciting element to your work. Make sure to press on firmly when you draw your designs. It is also useful to sit in good light, with the light source directly in front of you, to help you see what you have drawn. Another great way to add an extra detail to your work is to add multiple layers of coloured wax over the top of one another. These layers can then be scratched back to create all kinds of fascinating patterns!

You can also create a wax crayon Batik with Brusho. Using the crayons, make a good, heavy full colour picture with plenty of big patches and solid colour. Mix up some dark coloured Brusho. Run your picture under the cold water and screw it up tightly. Then open it up and smooth it out. Use the Brusho to paint over the design and mop up the surplus with a tissue. The Brusho fills the creases, giving an interesting effect.

Using Brusho on Wood


Brusho is ideal for use on wood - producing strong yet transparent colours - thus enhancing the grain pattern on some timbers. Subtle graduation of colour and tone can be achieved through coat on coat application.

  1. Choose a wood which is as near as white as possible, and preferably close-grained. Birch Ply and New Pine give good results.
  2. To minimise the tendency of any water-based stain to raise the grain: dampen the wood, dry and rub back before application. Add up to 25% mentholated spirit to the stain mix.
  3. Mix Brusho colours to double their normal strength
  4. Apply the Brusho very sparingly either by air brush, cotton, rubber or squirrel/sable brush. Using an air brush it is possible to achieve subtle graduation of colour across one piece of timber.
  5. Stained wood can be sealed with proprietary sealers - either polyurethane or acrylic varnish. With the latter, it is necessary to spray apply the first coat as brushing tends to stain leading to streaking.

Sealing and UV protecting your Brusho artwork

There are so many clear coating choices on the market it can be hard to decide which one is right for your particular project. Because papers and most other substrates are highly absorbent, any varnish applied to the surface will soak into it and become a permanent, non-removable addition to the piece. Once varnished, the piece can never be returned to its original condition.

The addition of varnish to a painting can:

  • change the appearance , texture and feel of the paper substrate
  • darken colours with the use of a gloss varnish
  • lighten colours with the use of a matte or satin varnish

A varnish functions as a tough yet flexible protective film over artwork. It is designed to reduce damage caused by humidity, dust, dirt, smoke, UV radiation, it also reduces the textural quality of the paper and the paint. Using archival varnish is recommended whenever possible as it comes in an aerosol and allows the varnish to be applied without touching the fragile piece of Brusho artwork.

Apply no more than 6 coats of the archival varnish and always begin with gloss in order to retain clarity. Finish the last coat or two with the sheen of your choice; gloss, satin or matte. If you were to apply all the coats in satin or matte the result would be a cloudy or dusty look due to the concentration of matting solids. It takes a little practice, trial and error, so don't do this on a cherished piece of artwork on your first try. One brand available is Golden.

Safety in Use

Care should be taken when handling all powders and liquids. The use of rubber gloves and protective clothing is recommended. Precautions must be taken to avoid accidental ingestion, inhalation and skin and eye contact. Keep containers closed and away from children.

Due to the numerous variables in methods, materials and conditions of producing art we urge product users to test each application to ensure all individual project requirements are met.