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Composition & Permanence

The table below provides technical information on the composition, permanence and characteristics of Winton Oil Colour. For further information, click on the heading to see what each means.

Code Colour Name Series Permanence ASTM T/O Chemical Description CI Name CI Number
074 Burnt Sienna 1 AA I T Synthetic iron oxide PR101 77491
076 Burnt Umber 1 AA I O Calcined natural iron oxide PBr7 77491
086 Cadmium Lemon (USA/Canada only) 2 A I O Cadmium zinc sulphide PY35 77205
087 Cadmium Lemon Hue 1 A II O Arylamide yellow, Arylamide yellow PY74, PY3 11741, 11710
089 Cadmium Orange (USA/Canada only) 2 A I O Cadmium sulphoselenide, Cadmium sulphoselenide PO20, PR108 77199, 77202
090 Cadmium Orange Hue 1 A - O Pyrrole Orange, Arylide yellow PO73, PY65 561170, 11740
095 Cadmium Red Hue 1 A II O BON arylamide (NaphtholAS), Naphthol carbamide PR188,PR170 12467, 12475
098 Cadmium Red Deep Hue 1 A II O BON arylamide red,Benzimidazolone orange PR170, PO36 12475, 11780
099 Cadmium Red Medium (USA/Canada only) 2 A I O Cadmium sulphoselenide PR108 77202
100 Cadmium Red Light (USA/Canada only) 2 A I O Cadmium sulphoselenide PR108 77202
109 Cadmium Yellow Hue 1 A I O Arylide yellow PY65 11740
113 Cadmium Yellow Light (USA/Canada only) 2 A I O Cadmium zinc sulphide PY35 77205
115 Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue 1 A II O Pyrrol Orange Arylide yellow P073, PY65 561170, 11740
116 Cadmium Yellow Medium (USA/Canada only) 2 A I O Cadmium zinc sulphide PY35 77205
119 Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue 1 A I O Arylide yellow PY74 11741
137 Cerulean Blue (USA/Canada only) 2 AA I O Cobalt stannate PB35 77368
138 Cerulean Blue Hue 1 A I O Zinc oxide, Copper phthalocyanine,Chlorinated copper phthalocyanine PW4, PB15, PG7 77947, 74160, 74260
145 Chrome Green Hue 1 A II O Arylamide yellow, Titanium dioxide, Chlorinated copper phthalocyanine, Synthetic iron oxide PY74, PY3, PG7, PY42 11741, 77891, 74260, 77492
149 Chrome Yellow Hue 1 A I O Titanium dioxide, Arylide yellow, Arylide yellow PW6, PY74, PY65 77891, 11741, 11740
178 Cobalt Blue (USA/Canada only) 2 AA I T Cobalt aluminate PB28 77346
179 Cobalt Blue Hue 1 A(iii) I O Copper phthalocyanine, Zinc oxide, Complex sodium alumino-silicate containing sulphur PB15, PW4, PB29 74160, 77947, 77007
194 Cobalt Violet Hue 1 A I O Complex sodium-alumino silicate containing sulphur, Manganese phosphate PB29, PV16 77007, 77742
229 Dioxazine Purple 1 A I T Dioxazine violet PV23 51319
241 Emerald Green 1 A II O Chlorinated copper phthalocyanine, Arylamide yellow PG7, PY74 74260, 11741
242 Flake White Hue 1 AA I O Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide PW6, PW4 77891, 77947
245 Flake White (USA/Canada only) 1 A I O Basic lead carbonate, Zinc oxide PW1, PW4 77597, 77497
257 Flesh Tint 1 A I O Synthetic iron oxide, Titanium dioxide, Zinc oxide, Quinacridone violet PY42, PW6, PW4, PV19 77492, 77891, 77947, 46500
263 French Ultramarine 1 A(iii) I T Complex sodium alumino-silicate, containing sulphur PB29 77007
317 Indian Red 1 AA I O Synthetic iron oxide PR101 77491
331 Ivory Black 1 AA I O Bone black PBk9 77267
337 Lamp Black 1 AA I O Carbon black PBk6 77266
346 Lemon Yellow Hue 1 A II O Arylamide yellow PY3 11710
362 Light Red 1 AA I O Synthetic iron oxide PR101 77491
380 Magenta 1 A I T Quinacridone red, Copper phthalocyanine PR122, PB15 73915, 74160
422 Naples Yellow Hue 1 A I O Synthetic iron oxide, Titanium dioxide, Synthetic iron oxide PR101, PW6, PY42 77491, 77891, 77492
459 Oxide of Chromium 1 A II O Chromium oxide PG17 77288
465 Payne’s Gray 1 A - O Carbon black, Powdered slate, Complex sodium alumino-silicate containing sulphur PBk6, PBk19, PB29 77266, 77017, 77007
468 Permanent Alizarin Crimson 1 A I T Anthraquinone PR177 65300
478 Permanent Crimson Lake 1 A I T Complex sodium alumino-silicate containing sulphur, Anthraquinonoid PB29, PR177 77007, 65300
480 Permanent Geranium Lake 1 A - T Quinacridone Red PR209 73905
483 Permanent Green Light 1 A I O Arylide yellow, Titanium dioxide, Copper phthalocyanine PY74, PW6, PB15 11741, 77891, 74160
502 Permanent Rose 1 A I T Quinacridone violet PV19 46500
516 Phthalo Blue 1 A - T Copper phthalocyanine PB15 74160
538 Prussian Blue 1 A I T Alkali ferriferrocyanide PB27 77510
552 Raw Sienna 1 AA I T Synthetic iron oxide, Natural iron oxide PY42, PY43 77492, 77492
554 Raw Umber 1 AA I T Bone black, Natural iron oxide PBk9, PBr7 77267, 77492
599 Sap Green 1 B - T Tartrazine lake, Ferrous nitroso-beta naphthol lake PY100, PG12 19140, 10020
603 Scarlet Lake 1 A I O BON arylamide (Naphthol AS) PR188 12647
415 Soft Mixing White 1 AA I O Titanium dioxide, Zinc oxide PW6, PW4 77891, 77947
637 Terre Verte 1 A I T Natural earth, Chlorinated copper phthalocyanine PG23, PG7 77009, 74260
644 Titanium White 1 AA I O Zinc oxide, Titanium dioxide PW4, PW6 77947, 77891
676 Vandyke Brown 1 A - O Calcined natural iron oxide, Bituminous earth PBr7, NBr8 77491, -
682 Vermilion Hue 1 A - O Naphthol carbamide, Zinc oxide, Benzimidazolone PR170, PW4, PO36 12475, 77947, 11780
696 Viridian Hue 1 A I T Chlorinated copper phthalocyanine PG7 74260
744 Yellow Ochre 1 AA I O Synthetic iron oxide PY42 77492
748 Zinc White 1 AA I O Zinc Oxide PW4 77947