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Recommended materials are:
Winsor & Newton 300gsm NOT Block 12”x16”
Mechanical Pencil
Soft Rubber
Masking Tape
Water Container
Spray Bottle
Watercolour paints in the following colours (I have all these colours in my palette, the first ones are essential for my work and the others I don’t use very often.)
1- Payne´s gray
2- Cobalt blue
3- Ultramarine or French ultramarine
4- Cobalt Turquoise light
5- Cadmium free Lemon yellow or lemon yellow
6- Cadmium Orange
7- Cadmium Red
8- Alisarin Crimson
9- Permanent Mauve
10- Winsor Violet
11- Phthalo turquoise
12- Aqua green or
13- Transparent Yellow