
How to Stretch Watercolour Paper Using Ken Bromley’s Perfect Paper Stretcher

Invented during the second world war, the Ken Bromley Perfect Paper Stretcher has had a few makeovers since it’s original conception, but the basic premise of how it works remains the same – and it is just so simple!

Stretch your cartridge, pastel or water colour paper (up to 140lb) and dry it ‘tight-as-a-drum‘ in minutes and it will not cockle or pull away no matter how wet the wash. The board is made from top quality lacquered wood and comes with 4 plastic gripper rods and full instructions. This is a simple and certain way to use lightweight paper and save time and money with no fuss.

The paper stretchers are available in three sizes to fit full, 1/2 and 1/4 imperial paper. In order to allow the paper to fit round the edge of the board, the boards are slightly smaller than the paper and the finished painting will 3/4 inch smaller than the paper size.

How it works

Step 1

After soaking paper, position the board over the paper.

Step 2

Remove excess moisture (with a cloth or towel) and pinch the corners of the paper to follow the edges of the board.

Step 3

Secure paper by tapping the four rods into the grooves around the board.

Step 4

The paper can be dried immediately using a hair dryer or heater. Alternatively, can be left to dry naturally

How Ken Invented the Perfect Paper Stretcher

ken“In 1940 I was serving in the Royal Corps of Signals and stationed in Stoney Stratford (Nr. Bletchley). “Stoney” had about 28 pubs and to supplement my meagre army pay, I persuaded the landlords to have a watercolour of their premises…. the going rate was ‘one Guinea and one pint’ (I do hear that one or two of the paintings are hanging to this day). However, paper stretching was nigh impossible because both drawing pins and sticky gummed tape had been requisitioned for the war effort. It was then that the idea was born. While the “Boffins” were busy cracking German codes, I was solving the problem of paper stretching!
A co-operative comrade in the workshops found time to make a board based on the basic principals and… EUREKA!- IT WORKED. Old fashioned brass stair rods gripped the paper and I used the board throughout the war including service in India. I still have the Mark 1 circa 1940 to this very day.
But it didn’t occur to me to market the idea until about ten years ago.I produced an up-to-date model and it was tested and endorsed by well-known artists such as Ron Ranson, James Fletcher-Watson, Norman Battershill, Angus Rands and Philipp Berrill. I sold thousands and received many letters of appreciation from amateur painters. ”

Listen to what some say…

-“Brilliant! Why didn’t anyone think of this before.”
-“It’s ended my paper stretching nightmare.”
-“Watercolour boards and 300lb paper are a thing of the past.”
-“Amazing, it’s so simple, a child could use it.”
-“Every watercolourist needs one.”
-“My two boards have paid for themselves over and over again.”
-“The watercolour painters best friend.”
-“As an OAP I really appreciate the savings using your stretcher boards.”


Written by

Laureen Pattison

41   Posts

Laureen Pattison, Ken Bromley's granddaughter, has art running in her veins. With nearly 20 years of experience at Bromleys Art Supplies, she combines her deep industry knowledge with a passion for creating. As a hobby artist, Laureen loves experimenting with new materials and techniques, particularly in watercolour and acrylics. On our blog, she shares her insights, tips, and product reviews, offering inspiration and guidance to fellow artists.
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6 thoughts on “How to Stretch Watercolour Paper Using Ken Bromley’s Perfect Paper Stretcher

  1. Hello Team.
    I am considering Arches cold pressed paper in 356 gsm and wonder if the stretcher board would be suitable.
    Is there much difference between 300 gsm and 356 gsm if paper is stretched? This is my dilemma, as I intend buying the paper in a roll.
    Is the board made of wood. If so, is it sealed?
    I look forward to your response.
    I am writing from Australia.

    1. Hi Pauline
      Thank you for your question. We do not advise to use heavier watercolour paper than 300gsm (140lb) on our Perfect Paper Stretcher, it can cause difficulties particularly in the corners of the board. If you are wanting to use a roll, Arches do manufacture a roll in 300gsm in NOT surface, it measures 1.13m x 9.41m. Whilst the rolls are slightly more economical please bear in mind that the paper will not be completely flat and you may pay more for postage if you cannot buy locally. Our Perfect Stretcher board is made a high quality plywood and it is also lacquered. Hope this helps.

  2. I’m experiencing difficulty in removing the dried paper from the stretcher after I’ve finished a water color painting. It seem that the sizing in the paper is sticking to the form. I’m using Arches water color paper and admittedly I often leave my papers on the stretcher for sometime before painting them. Any cure all for this?

    1. Hi James. Sorry to hear you’re having trouble removing the dried paper from your stretcher. You could try running a little bit of wax into the grooves where the rubber rods sit. This should make it easier to remove your work.

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