Image of Capturing Light by Catherine Beale

Capturing Light by Catherine Beale

Capturing Light by Catherine Beale is an installment of ‘The Innovative Artist’ book series and covers the artists’ process for creating radiant landscapes in watercolour. It’s perfect for creatives looking to explore the subtlety of light with an emphasis on creating dramatic, imaginative landscapes.

Catherine is an established watercolour artist who has embraced the fluidity of watercolour to explore modern watercolour pigments and push the boundaries of the medium. In what Catherine calls ‘Gravity Painting’, she works on a sloping board with lots ofwater to create luminous washes of mobile colour without any muddying.

To begin, Catherine discusses her technique, the materials she uses, as well as the importance of capturing the essence of a landscape. She starts you off with small exercises before building to inspirational demonstrations and finished pieces full of the allure of reflections, mists, shadows and dramatic skies. You’ll learn how to deveop ideas for landscape paintings as the book progresses and have the opportunity to explore Catherine’s own techniques in a series of nine projects. By following Catherine’s tuition you’ll learn how to free up your painting style, make bold colour choices and create vibrant paintings full of dramatic light.

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  • Explore the subtlety of light through dramatic watercolour landscapes.

  • Learn tips and techniques straight from artist Catherine Beale.

  • Develop your skills in a series of nine projects.

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